About Us
Cruise the Shore for Charity
Cruise the Shore for Charity is an annual family-friendly fundraising event that showcases rare, unique, custom hot rods and classic vehicles on the North Shore of Vancouver B.C. It is a volunteer organized event by British Columbia registered Cruise the Shore for Charity Society (S0071967.)
Our 7th Annual "Cruise the Shore" event will be held from August 23-24, 2025.
Registration will open soon!

Event for a Cause
For 2025, our fundraising event will be for the benefit of the North Shore Crisis Services Society, a charity that provides emergency shelter, longer-term housing solutions, essential services, and preventative education to women and children leaving domestic abuse and violence on the North Shore.
Their programs and services include:
Supportive housing through the SAGE Transition House and second stage housing programs
Multicultural outreach services
24-hour women's support line
Homeless prevention program
PEACE program for children and youth
Good Stuff Connection thrift store and clothing program
Start your engines for our 2025 event!
The event will feature a Saturday "cruise" within the North Shore and a Sunday “show and shine” display of the unique, rare, custom, hot rod and collector vehicles representing the broad range of the automobile hobby, together with a variety of activities within a family atmosphere.​