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About Us


Cruise the Shore for Charity

Cruise the Shore for Charity is an annual family-friendly fundraising event that showcases rare, unique, custom hot rods and classic vehicles on the North Shore of Vancouver B.C. It is a volunteer organized event by British Columbia registered Cruise the Shore for Charity Society (S0071967.)


Our 7th Annual "Cruise the Shore" event will be held from August 23-24, 2025.


Registration will open soon!


Event for a Cause

For 2025, our fundraising event will be for the benefit of the North Shore Crisis Services Society, a charity that provides emergency shelter, longer-term housing solutions, essential services, and preventative education to women and children leaving domestic abuse and violence on the North Shore. 


Their programs and services include:

  • Supportive housing through the SAGE Transition House and second stage housing programs

  • Multicultural outreach services

  • 24-hour women's support line

  • Homeless prevention program

  • PEACE program for children and youth

  • Good Stuff Connection thrift store and clothing program

Start your engines for our 2025 event!

The event will feature a Saturday "cruise" within the North Shore and a Sunday “show and shine” display of the unique, rare, custom, hot rod and collector vehicles representing the broad range of the automobile hobby, together with a variety of activities within a family atmosphere.​


Schedule of Events

Coming Soon!

Interested to Sponsor Our 2025 Event?

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